Monday, June 16, 2014

Mystery Treasure Thousands of Tons of Gold Confiscated Japanese in Indonesia

Gold heap-General of Japan, Tomoyuki Yamashita, during World War II are still hunted by many parties. Heaps of gold was touted as one of the greatest treasure in the world. 

There is a special organization called Kin No Yuri or Golden Lilies. Emperor Hirohito's brother, Prince Yasuhito, believed to be the chairman. They took gold from Southeast Asia and then collect it in the Philippines, recently shipped to Japan. 

It has been some time sending gold and precious goods to Japan's success. Of golden booty Japanese finance this war in the Pacific. A sprawling battle fronts of Manchuria to the Solomon Islands. Surely this is an enormous drain on costs.

But since 1943, the spoils can not be shipped to Japan. The reason, the Japanese fleet was lost at sea.
Yamashita in 1941

They no longer have enough warships or fighter planes to escort the gold ships to Japan.

Allied fighter aircraft and submarines ready mengkaramkan Japanese ships passing.

Around the year 1945, Japan was almost lost in total. Prince Yasuhito, General Yamashita and several other officials to blow up tunnels and caves to cover the pile of gold in caves underground.

There are an estimated 6,000 tons of gold that had been deprived of the Japanese army in Southeast Asia and some surrounding countries during World War II.

Many believe these treasures scattered in several Southeast Asian countries and could not be brought into Japan.

Starting from the army, treasure hunter, until the president, they all scramble to get gold weighing thousands of tons of Japanese troops that had been looted from the countries in Southeast Asia during World War II.

Rogelio Roxas is a Filipino soldiers. The 1960s, he met a man who claimed former General Yamashita's interpreter during World War II.

Roxas started the hunt. He dug in the area of ​​Baguio City. He found hiding hallways former Japanese soldiers who had been destroyed.

Rogelio Roxas claimed to have discovered a statue of Buddha of diamonds and pure gold of Japanese tunnels in the Philippines. He guessed that this discovery only a small part of the Yamashita gold.

In 1971, Roxas claimed to find a golden statue of Buddha. Only about 1 meter high, but very heavy. Roxas also find a chest containing the gold bullion.

Not only that, Roxas then found in the Buddhist statues there are a few grains of raw diamonds. He believes this is a small part of the Yamashita treasure. Some buyers have estimated the treasure.

They believe that the gold items with levels above 20 carats. But this news reached the ears when the President of the Philippines, Ferdinand Marcos, the dictator of the Philippines.

Then the news spread that Roxas Marcos accused the presidential guard sent to arrest him.

Then, Marcos also had confiscated Buddhist statues and gold bars belonging to Roxas that he had discovered, until finally Roxas was imprisoned for several years.
Roger Roxas and The Buddha

In 1986, Marcos was deposed. He and his wife, Imelda Marcos fled to Hawaii. In 1988, Roxas Marcos sued in the Court of Hawaii.

He is accused of violating human rights and Marcos had seized the treasure he had discovered.

On the night ahead of the hearing, Roxas died. His death was so polemic. But Roxas was recording his testimony in the form of video. Roxas VS Marcos camp trial runs fierce. Nine times appeal!

Until finally the court decided Marcos family should pay compensation to Roxas. Amount, $ 6 million for violations of human rights and about USD 13 million in damages stolen treasure.

Meanwhile, General Tomoyuki Yamashita dieksekuti dead on February 3, 1946 by the U.S. military court in the Philippines. He was hanged on charges of committing war crimes during World War II.

Many states gold version is finally divided by the Empire of Japan by the U.S. military intelligence. U.S. gold were used for intelligence operations during the Cold War against the Soviet Union and the Eastern Bloc. 

While Japan uses gold parts to build a tattered economy after the war. The reason the amplifier, how Japan can build the economy after the war, without capital injections unusually large? 

There is another version, this gold has been controlled by the regime of Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines from 1965 to 1986 controls. The dictator who had remarkable account of this fat is a former Philippine army when World War II.

His wealth is spread across multiple banks in Europe. He claimed rich not because of corruption but because of the treasure. 

General Tomoyuki Yamashita was named Tiger of Malaya. 

At the beginning of World War II Yamashita easily seize Singapore retained joint British and allied forces. 

Approximately 30,000 130,000 Japanese troops captured the British army, India and Australia. 

Throughout history, this is the record for most British troops surrendered. 

But according to Professor Jose Rico, a researcher from the University of the Philippines questioned about the Yamashita treasure. Jose assess the many Yamashita Gold in the Philippines is just a myth. 

"In 1943 the Japanese no longer dominate the seas. Small possibility of gold was brought to the Philippines, "said Jose to the Philippines. 

But the analysis did not deter Jose treasure seekers. If not in the Philippines, then of spilled golden booty Japan still exist in other countries. Includes Indonesia. Is there anything left?

Confiscated Treasure of Japan in Indonesia 

Not only treasure hunters who try Japanese heritage treasure hunt. Elite forces regiment of the Army (Special Forces) are also given the fact he had a hidden track orders Japan. Call it Nadi, is one of the corps retired red berets tells the event. 

One day in 1967, a couple of trucks and a jeep left the headquarters of the Special Forces in Cijantung, East Jakarta. They move south to a secluded beach in Sukabumi, West Java.

There are about 30 people who were deployed personnel. The team is led by a middle-ranking officers. 

"If not mistaken, circa 1967. I remember in some places still see those soldiers detained PKI," said Nadi. 

Pulse when it became a radio interpreter. Promoted sergeant. She initially does not know anything about how the Special Forces could be deployed treasure hunt. 

"His name alone command soldiers participate yes. Fitting new chat find out people facing the Army Headquarters, "said Nadi. 

"He said he knew the location of the Japanese soldiers hiding gold. Command of Army Headquarters down to Cijantung (Headquarters Special Forces), something like that, "added Nadi.

Men who report to Army Headquarters and claimed to know about the treasure that participated in the group. He can ride a jeep in a place of honor next to the commander. Convoy to a former Japanese army defense.

Remaining mixed concrete steel plate, but her condition was not maintained. Its location on the beach, it seems as if there is an attack the Japanese defense of the sea. 

Special Forces teams started working. Japan's first fort was blown up. Nadi remember the earth vibrate due to the number of explosives used. Once open, the team began combing the Japanese fortifications. 

The first day did not found anything. So did the next day. 

After a week of people who claim to know the treasure was said to be no salvation for the guardian forts angry. 

"We do not believe it but she insisted. Finally scapegoat cut, made ​​salvation, "said Nadi. Once again congratulations search continued. 

Many times the explosives used. The result is nil. Instead of treasure, team instead found a large snake. After two weeks of Commander of the Special Forces team runs out of patience.

He was angry at the people who claim to know the treasure. The officers ordered to stop the search. 

"It is in vain. Lie, this guy's just a liar. It is finished, we return to Cijantung, "Said Nadi tells his commander anger. 

Golden Budda returned to Rogelio Roxas by FerdinandMarcos
Special Forces teams to Cijantung home empty-handed and bitter smile. 

The fate of those who claim to know the treasures that lie unclear. Reportedly he had diesel a few days, but then released and was convicted. 

"In Cijantung like teasing. How ya treasure, for-for dong. It was many years, if the retiree reunion still be teasing, "said Nadi, laughing.

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